

Sometimes, the timing just isn't right. I've realized that this blog isn't right for me, for now, for the times. Rather than keep you (both? three) waiting, I'm going to sign off and concentrate on what makes most sense to me now. Thanks for your support.


  1. Understood. We'll still be here when you come back.

  2. :-( But we understand. Can't wait for your return to the blogosphere and hope it is much sooner than later.

  3. But. Um. Crap! Hope it's because you have too much AWESOMENESS going on. And hope you come back soon.

  4. Sorry I wasn't as supportive as I could have been with the questions. I promise I was reading every post!

  5. Well, OK.

    So I guess you'll resume rolling your eyes about me in more of a free-lance, all-volunteer way?

    OK then.

  6. I've been waiting and waiting for another post; this is not the one I expected. I eagerly await your return!

  7. Well, now you're just making me feel guilty that I haven't had the guts and honesty to officially call my blog dead! I'll always look forward to reading you, wherever you write.

  8. Short and sweet, leave'em wanting more.


  9. Of course, we've noticed a lack of interest - best to rest it for a time. I too will miss you.

  10. Thank you for all the great moments over these past few years. I'll miss the blog, and the clever community it fostered.

    You know, Max travels to the land of the Wild Things, where he becomes king and initiates the rumpusing. But eventually he smells the supper his mother has laid out and goes home.

    We've known from our early years that creative voyages come full circle. And it's a good thing. Even if we hate turning that last page and seeing the endsheets.


    (I only teach the very best literature.)


All About Meve

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Minneapolis, MN, United States